
Why use ultrasound in peripheral intravenous access? A nursing perspective


el Sabado, 21 de Septiembre 2024


10:00 Europe/Warsaw

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Agenda del evento

Obtaining peripheral intravenous access is as common as it is difficult, even for experienced nurses. This is especially true for patients with a history of long treatment, which often leads to difficult intravenous access. 
The use of ultrasound by nurses is becoming more common and can reduce the number of attempts and complications. Proper training and performing the procedure based on standards reduces the cost of care and increases patient satisfaction. 
This presentation will discuss the scientific basis for the rationale for the use of ultrasound by nurses, techniques for performing the procedure and standards for education in this area.

Maciej Latos

MSc in nursing, specialist in anaesthesia and intensive care nursing and paramedic involved in development infusion care & vascular access management in Poland. Assistant in the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Education at the Medical University of Warsaw. Instructor on vascular access courses: ultrasound-guided Midline and PIVCs. The implementation of good practice in nursing. President of the Board Directors in Polish Society of Infusion Nursing. Head of the Vascular Access and Infusion Team at the University Clinical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw. Chair of the Safe Vascular Access Working Group of the Expert Council of the Hospital Safety Coalition. Co-founder of the Midline Academy. Co-author of the book ‘Vascular access in clinical practice’ (in Polish). Author of several scientific articles. Member of the Infusion Nurses Society.